Minimalist-Style Demo of Running Neural Networks in Web Browser

Minimalist-Style Demo of Running Neural Networks in Web Browser

This demo shows how to run a pre-trained neural networks in web-browser. The user would first download the pre-trained style transfer model to local by opening up the webpage. Then everything will get processed locally without accessing any remote resource. The user can then open-up a picture from their hard drive and click “run” to let the style transferring neural networks to do its job.

A PyTorch GPU Memory Leak Example

I ran into this GPU memory leak issue when building a PyTorch training pipeline. After spending quite some time, I finally figured out this minimal reproducible example. Kicking off the training, it shows constantly increasing allocated GPU memory. This “AverageMeter” has been used in many popular repositories (e.g., It’s by-design tracking the average of […]

[OpenCV] detectMultiScale: output detection score

OpenCV provides quite decent implementation of the Viola-Jones Face detector. A quick example looks like this (OpenCV 2.4.5 tested): // File: #include using namespace cv; int main(int argc, char **argv) { CascadeClassifier cascade; const float scale_factor(1.2f); const int min_neighbors(3); if (cascade.load(“./lbpcascade_frontalface.xml”)) { for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) { Mat img […]